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Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles Tendonitis Symptoms

Achilles tendon injuries are one of the most common sports medicine injuries.

Achilles tendinopathy is a common injury caused by repetitive overuse or overload. This can lead to an injury or cause a rupture of the Achilles tendon. Lack of flexibility within the calf muscles or a stiff Achilles tendon can increase the risk of injuries. Most injuries are degenerative in nature due to chronic overload. Increased degeneration of the tendon will create thickening either at its attachment on the back of the heel or above the heel bone. The thicker the tendon the weaker the tendon becomes. Thickened Achilles tendons are in a pre-tear or early- tear stage. At Hecker Sports Medicine™, we have in-office ultrasound capabilities to evaluate Achilles tendon pathology.

Early morning pain or post-exercise pain generally indicates an injury of the Achilles tendon. If the symptoms are persistent or ongoing, prompt evaluation is encouraged.

Do I Need Achilles Tendon Surgery?

  • Most people believe they need surgery for Achilles tendon injuries or ruptures, but studies have shown there is limited difference in recovery between surgical repair and non-invasive repair. In degenerative pathology of tendinopathy surgical intervention has a low success rate. Most full ruptures post-surgery require significant non-weight bearing downtime, typically three months. At Hecker Sport Medicine our advanced treatments work well for both full ruptures or chronic tendinopathy. The difference is that you can stay weight-bearing and active with use of stabilization devices. The advanced treatment therapy encourage healing.

Advanced Treatment Achilles Tendonitis

  • Achilles tendon injuries from mild tendinopathy to partial or even full tears can successfully recover using the advanced medicine protocols and treatments utilized by Hecker Sports Medicine™.
  • Through the advanced therapy treatments, many of the typical treatments (icing, rest, NSAIDs, stretching and surgery) can be avoided, by using the advanced treatment modalities of TECAR radio frequency, Piezoelectric shockwave and optical therapeutic laser, and Vissman acoustical vibration, combined with appropriate support.
  • For chronic or more severe tears, advanced therapy treatments can help ensure excellent outcomes.
  • Once the structure is healed from the advanced treatment process then an injured patient can re-establish a high quality of functional movement and strength allowing patients to return to a very high level of activity quickly.
  • One of the greatest advantages of our advanced therapy treatments is that it helps your body recover the right way and helps prevent scar tissue formation — often the cause for other problems after healing an injury.

More information

Achilles Tendon Injury Care | Hecker Sports Medicine | Fort Collins, CO

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