Flat feet and fallen arches are the product of multiple possible factors: heredity, age, laxity of foot ligaments, tendon injury, arthritis, pregnancy, etc. Flat feet are sometimes known to be a result of pronation (where ankle bones lean inward). When the shoes of a person who pronates are placed side-by-side, these will lean in towards each other.
Progressive fallen arches or flat feet can become painful due to inflammation or degeneration of a tendon that is on the inside of the foot and arch. This disorder happens when that tendon becomes stretched, torn or inflamed. If this condition is left untreated, it can cause chronic pain and eventually severe disability.
Many people with flat feet do not experience any problems or pain. However, when there is pain in an individual's ankle, foot, or lower leg (especially in children) their feet should be evaluated. There are many reasons a patient may have flat feet and there are an array of non-invasive options available to correct the issue. Is there a doctor suggesting that you or your child need flat feet surgery, and there are no other options? Hecker Sports Medicine Fort Collins is available for a second opinion.
Flat feet are a common situation in a foot’s complex structure, even in children. Feet tend to be flexible in children. An arch will continue to progress throughout childhood. By adulthood, most people have developed normal arches. As adults, we can experience a normal elongation and widening of the feet, and should not have pain related to this process.
There are many reasons a patient may have flat feet and there are an array of non-invasive options available to correct the issue. Is there a doctor suggesting that you or your child need flat feet surgery? When you are told there are no other options we encourage you to visit Hecker Sports Medicine™ Fort Collins for a second opinion. Alternatives are always available.
An examination at Hecker Sports Medicine™ can determine the best course of treatment for you. We partner with you to educate you, helping you understand the problem and give you options on what can be done to fix the problem non-invasively.
Through the advanced treatments we offer, many of the typical treatments can be avoided. By using the advanced treatment modalities of TECAR radio frequency, Piezoelectric shockwave, optical therapeutic laser and Vissman acoustical vibration, combined with appropriate support, the restoration of joints, tendons and ligaments can be quickly achieved.
One of the greatest advantages of our advanced therapy treatments is that it helps your body recover the right way and helps prevent scar tissue formation — often the cause for other problems after healing an injury.
Hecker Sports Medicine™ is where patients are involved in the healing process and their treatment planning. We explain what the issues are and what the treatment options could be.
Flat Feet Treatment Services | Hecker Sports Medicine | Fort Collins, CO